Bronco Pilots follows the career of a Marine Corps pilot alongside his friends, lovers and others in Naval Aviation Flight Training, in combat during the Vietnam War and the aftermath. He and his two closest friends called themselves “The Triumvirate” while serving two combat tours in Vietnam for a total of 27 months as H-34 helicopter and OV-10 Bronco pilots.

A compelling read, this book will take you on a journey of a young man who went to fight in the Vietnam war, set a World Aviation Record, and eventually won the battle against depression and alcoholism. John Howard. Pierson Jr. bares it all as he shares interesting stories about his life as a Marine Corps pilot, husband, father and friend.

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Why Read It?

Bronco Pilots is the tale of a designated Naval Aviator and World Record setting Marine Corps Pilot who flew H34D Helicopters and OV-10A Bronco missions in the Vietnam War. His intense combat missions and intimate romantic, and tragic stories will fascinate readers and have them hooked from page one till the end as he makes them laugh and cry as he progresses through the events. Bronco Pilots will walk you through the journey of a young man who persevered through tragic circumstances with comments and advice from his uniquely staffed “brain committee” with a sometimes-macabre sense of humor.

Bronco Pilots is based on true stories that are sure to captivate readers until the very last page. It is a tale of adventure and the challenges he faced. John Howard Pierson Jr. the protagonist, chronicles his life in vivid detail, portraying ups and downs in prose and dialogue with friends, lovers, and others. The journey is a well written and inspiring roller coaster ride that motivates readers to persevere through failure and adversity with courage and determination because the rewards are worth it.

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